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elective course 選修課程。

elective culture

The volleyball elective course in the colleges and universities has the advantages of promoting physical and mental health , mass basing and quick popularization 摘要排球作為高校體育選修課,具有健康身心、基礎廣泛、易于普及等優點。

Core courses are taken mostly in the first year , with the second year devoted mainly to advanced elective courses and group research project Emba課程實行學分制,每個emba學員必須修滿63個學分,并達到評分和考核標準方可取得學位。

Computer architecture is an important elective course for senior undergraduates . there are 6 chapters with 54 class hours for the curriculum 本課程為計算機專業本科高年級的一門重要的選修課程。本課程共分6章54學時。

All the courses other than those listed in above , and all crs courses except those listed in the area of cultural studies are elective courses 選修上述( 1 )項以外之the科目或選修非文化研究范圍之crs科目共21學分。

Among these 80 credits , 48 credits are from required courses , 28 credits are from elective courses , and 4 credits are from portfolio assessment 在這80個學分中, 28個學分是選修課, 4個學分是個人畢業作品。

Students take a total of 24 credit units , including 3 units of required courses and up to 21 units of elective courses 學生修讀共二十四個學分,包括必修科目最少三個學分,及選修科目最多二十一個學分。

Among these 4 courses at the grade 12 level , one must be language arts 12 , and the other 3 could be required or elective courses 在12年級的4門課中,有一門必須是語言文學,另外三可以是必修或選修課。

Thirteen students are enrolled in the 20 - week elective course , which began with the start of the current semester jan . 31 工作。本次開設的信息安全課程是由位于羅姆市的美國空軍研究的電腦

Thus , the elective course ? internet information searching and exploiting the msra set for us had all ended 至此,微軟亞洲研究院( msra )為我校師生開設的互聯網信息檢索與挖掘選修課全部結束。

Elective course is upgraded and offered by different department , refer to the homepage of the department concerned for details *有關各核心科目內容及修讀辦法,請參閱2005 - 06學生手冊

The practice and thought about higher normal schools ' offering elective courses of chemistry and society in special fields of chemistry 高師化學專業開設化學與社會選修課的實踐與思考

The investigation on content of courses and teaching effect of aerobic elective course of coordinated region of beijing 對北京市高校協作區健美操選修課教學內容及教學效果的研究

Research on the current situation and strategies of p . e . elective courses in general institutions in jiangsu province 江蘇省普通高校體育選項課教學現狀與對策研究

Comparison between the harvard experience and the system of undergraduate general elective courses in peking university 哈佛經驗與北京大學本科通選課設置的比較

In addition to their required counrses , high school and college students may choose elective course 除了必修的課程之外,高中生與大學生也會選修一些課程。

Greater importance should be attached to the teaching of study methods in physical education as an elective course 體育選修課應重視向學生傳授學習方法

“ in addition to courses in their major field of study , most students have time to take elective courses 除專業課程外,大多數學生還有時間上選修課。

Elective course is main position or ways for undergraduate culture quality education 摘要高校選修課是對大學生進行文化素質教育的主陣地、主渠道。